Love makes real dialogue possible

Love makes real dialogue possible if love means to will the good of the other. Endeavoring together to learn the truth is born of love. It says “I really want what’s good for the other.”

Inclusion and equity for the autism community is an act of love.

It wills the good of the autistic person….in developing a rich and meaningful life.
It wills the good of the families….to see their beloved being loved and create these memories and milestones together.
It wills the good of the friends….that gain the beauty of connection, kindness, friendship and belonging.
It wills the good of the community…to build solidarity among its people.

Love one another as I have loved you.

The process of building fraternity, be it local or universal, can only be undertaken by spirits that are free and open to authentic encounters.
— Fratelli Tutti

“Some societies accept this principle in part. They agree that opportunities should be available to everyone, but then go on to say that everything depends on the individual. From this skewed perspective, it would be pointless “to favour an investment in efforts to help the slow, the weak or the less talented to find opportunities in life”. Investments in assistance to the vulnerable could prove unprofitable; they might make things less efficient.


What we need in fact are states and civil institutions that are present and active, that look beyond the free and efficient working of certain economic, political or ideological systems, and are primarily concerned with individuals and the common good.” ~ Francesco


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