Stats and facts
The number of IDEA-eligible Michigan students has risen between 2014-15 and 2022-23 for several categories including autism (38%), other health impairment (23%), speech or language impairment (10%), and developmental delay (7%). Other categories have demonstrated a decrease, including emotional impairment (-11%) and specific learning disability (-14%).
“In order to empathize with someone’s experience you must be willing to believe them as they see it, not how you imagine their experience to be.”
Government Accountability Office products on autism between Jan 1,2010 and Feb 20,2025
GAO-24-106446, Autism Research and Support Services: Federal Interagency Coordination and Monitoring Efforts Could Be Further Strengthened | U.S. GAO
GAO-17-352, Youth with Autism: Federal Agencies Should Take Additional Action to Support Transition-Age Youth | U.S. GAO
GAO-17-109, Youth with Autism: Roundtable Views of Services Needed During the Transition into Adulthood | U.S. GAO
GAO-15-583R, Federal Autism Research: Updated Information on Funding from Fiscal Years 2008 through 2012 | U.S. GAO
GAO-14-613T, Federal Autism Activities: Funding and Coordination Efforts | U.S. GAO
GAO-12-497, Supplemental Security Income: Better Management Oversight Needed for Children's Benefits | U.S. GAO
GAO-12-196T, Supplemental Security Income: Preliminary Observations on Children with Mental Impairments | U.S. GAO