Children with ASD are 160x more likely to drown than their neurotypical peers. Nov 21 Written By Kristin Dillon Enroll your child in specialized swimming lessons. Resource kits raise awareness of high risk of drowning for children with autism.Drowning is among the leading causes of death of individuals with autism.Water Safety & Drowning Prevention.Why are children with autism at increased risk of drowning?Autism awareness and drowning prevention strategies.Drowning and ASD: Why and what can be done? Kristin Dillon
Children with ASD are 160x more likely to drown than their neurotypical peers. Nov 21 Written By Kristin Dillon Enroll your child in specialized swimming lessons. Resource kits raise awareness of high risk of drowning for children with autism.Drowning is among the leading causes of death of individuals with autism.Water Safety & Drowning Prevention.Why are children with autism at increased risk of drowning?Autism awareness and drowning prevention strategies.Drowning and ASD: Why and what can be done? Kristin Dillon